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Invisible Grille

Fixed Invisible Grilles

Fixed Invisible Grille – The most popular, and recommended invisible grille!


  1. Horizontal layout – Invisible Grilles are secured left to right
  2. Vertical layout – Invisible Grilles are secured top to bottom

Structurally, both designs are similar, the only difference is design preference. We, however will recommend a ‘4 inch gap’ as it is fixed with a bigger gap and will be easier to clean your windows.

Benefits Of Elelaurel’s Invisible Grilles:

Elelaurel’s invisible grilles are made with only Highest Quality Materials, guaranteed to provide optimal safety for your family. 

  • Highest Grade Stainless Steel
  • Highly durable, able to withstand heavy weight and pressure
  • Advanced Anti-Rust technology
  • 5 Year Warranty
  • Easy to clean
  • Certified by SETSCO
  • Certified and experienced installers
  • Affordable Prices

Invisible Grilles for Balconies (With and Without Roofs)


Invisible Grilles are very commonly installed at the balconies. After all, this is the place of your house that has an open space, overlooking the view and where children love to play at. This is perhaps the most common reason why invisible grilles are commonly installed at balconies.
If your balcony has a roof, the invisible grille will be laid in the form of vertical lines. This ensures unobstructed views whilst providing maximum safety to you and your family

2) UNCOVERED ROOF BALCONY (without roof)

Do you have a balcony without a roof? Even if you do, and still wish to enjoy the having invisible grilles, do not worry.
We will build an anti-rust structure top down, this structure is highly durable, and will be able to hold your invisible grilles. This way, you still are able to enjoy the benefits of having invisible grilles without compromising on your scenery, and of course, safety for your and your family.

Fixed Framed (Non-openable Design)


Similar to the ‘Fixed Invisible Grille’ design, this design comes with a fixed frame and definitely looks more aesthetically attractive compared to the ‘Fixed Invisible Grille’ design.

Because of this, more material is required of course, resulting in a slightly higher cost due to the unique frame required.

Casement Grille


This popular design is built in such a way that allows your window to be opened Left or Right, just like your usual windows without any restrictions.

The material also makes use of 316 stainless stain wires that can withstand at least 180kg of weight. Tested and proven.


A New style!
Depending on individual preference, and whether sliding or blind fold.

Also, hugely depends on the design of your house

Images Coming Soon

Quality Invisible Grilles at Lowest Prices in Singapore

With many high rise buildings and apartments, invisible grilles in Singapore are gaining popularity. If you wish maintain your beautiful views from your windows and balcony yet having absolute security for your family, our invisible grilles will just be right for you.

The materials that goes into our invisible grilles are made with only the highest quality stainless steel cables, yet thin such that your view is not compromised. It is also extremely durable. Able to withstand not only heavy weight, but also the natural elements of sun and rain. Thats why we provide 5 years warranty too!

Our experienced and certified invisible grille installers also provide excellent workmanship, guaranteeing you have some of the best invisible grilles in Singapore, at the lowest prices! Take note of our invisible grille price! And our current promotion.

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After receiving your enquiry, we will conduct a FREE On-Site Assessment at your location.


During this time, we will prepare all the necessary items, to ensure a smooth workflow and reduced time needed, during installation


Installation begins! Warranty is provided upon completion

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2 Defu Lane 10 #02-517 Singapore 539183

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